leap at

美 [liːp æt]英 [liːp æt]
  • 网络跳跃;抓住
leap atleap at
  1. If I were you I 'd leap at the opportunity to go abroad .


  2. There are so many young people who would leap at a chance like this .


  3. Give the running dogs of capitalism something to leap at .


  4. I didn 't see him leap at me - it was much too fast .


  5. To leap at the offer of a free holiday .


  6. If he offered to help me , I 'd leap at it .


  7. She rushed forward and took a flying leap at the fence .


  8. The tiger took a quick leap at the sheep .


  9. Things which slip past the eye in rereading leap at you and demand attention .


  10. Reading the headlines , potential business school applicants may wonder whether to make the leap at all .


  11. With the rapid development of automotive industry and automotive electronic control technology , also contributed the sensor technology to leap at the same time .


  12. Some employees will leap at the chance to participate in new product R & D , while others may prefer the familiar ground of maintaining existing lines .


  13. It 'd be an ice edition , and Waffles might be feline ready to leap at another chance to advance his name .


  14. British government ministers have criticised the way holiday prices leap at the moment school breaks up , which suggests a less than tip-top grasp of supply and demand .


  15. Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves .


  16. In the management of tax revenue , the order of tax revenue is rectified and fair competition between enterprises will be promoted . The adjustment of the structure of industry has made the tax revenue leap at a rapid speed .


  17. Valuing Magic Leap at about $ 2 billion , the $ 542 million cash infusion from Google and other investors immediately vaulted the shadowy start-up into the upper echelons of young technology companies .


  18. Hook tried to hearten them ; but like the dogs he had made them they showed him their fangs , and he knew that if he took his eyes off them now they would leap at him .


  19. Instinct with fears that are not fears but prickles of ecstasy , a secret liquor , a fire that inflames his blood to coldness so that the rocks seem rather to leap at the sea than the sea to envelop them .


  20. My heart gave a leap , at last I could give her someting , openly .


  21. And it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me .


  22. There is not a lot of time for somebody to leap in at the last minute except for some huge name like Sarah Palin .


  23. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me .


  24. He opened to the section on House Lannister once more , and turned the pages slowly , hoping against hope that something would leap out at him .


  25. All sorts of stressed and rising executives who had been forced , during the dark days of the Breathe-o-Smart tyranny , to jump in front of trains or stab themselves , could now just clamber out on to their own window ledges and leap off at their leisure .


  26. The next leap second comes at the end of this year .


  27. I leap for joy at the good news .


  28. Foreign investors " can 't really make the leap of faith at the moment . "


  29. Time is now of the essence and we are ready to leap into action at a seconds notice .


  30. Because the details of CDT are well beyond the scope of this article , you will need to take a leap of faith at this point .
